Sjöholm sings for Slink In

Sundsvalls Tidning 111024. Photo & © Dina Vulic

Sundsvalls Tidning 111024


The Christmas single by Helen Sjöholm and Gibrish, which gives its proceeds to Slink In, is completed. Yesterday it was time for the premiere gig.  
– It feels great to play the single and that everyone seems to like it, says Helen Sjöholm.

Sundsvall’s pride, Helen Sjöholm, together with the band Gibrish, have recently recorded the Christmas single Klockorna i G.A. Proceeds from the song will go to the business at Slink In.

Yesterday, the band and the heavily pregnant singer met in Sundsvall for the premiere playing of the new song at Slink In – a coffee shop that welcomes the homeless and people with addiction problems, and allows them to wash their clothes, have a coffee and socialize with each other.

For some it was a more emotional moment than for others. When Helen Sjöholm sang of the vulnerable, lonely and homeless that the song is about, the visitor and the former addict, Marie-Louise Johansson, couldn´t hold her tears back.
– When you’ve moved around town, in various ways, and seen people lying on park benches, it’s very sad. There are so many tragedies hidden behind all the Christmas decorations. Things like that are never seen, she says.

The other visitors who attended the gig in the morning, they also played later in the day for the rest of the visitors, were all pleased and liked the song alot. That the proceeds goes to the business at Slink In, most people also think is very much needed.
– We have homeless people in this town. We have those who need help in different ways and a place to come to and warm themselves, said Marie-Louise Johansson.

When Helen Sjöholm, who also received Nicke Sjödin’s great scholarship of SEK 20 000 on Saturday, was approached with the question whether she would consider to record this specially written Christmas song she didn’t hesitate for long. She felt that she wanted to contribute.
– I had heard the song and liked it, that was a big part of why I wanted to do it. But number one with a project like this is that you put focus on an activity that is wonderful and necessary, she says.

That it took place in her hometown Sundsvall was also one of the reasons why Helen Sjöholm came through.
– I have not lived here for years and didn´t even know this place existed, or what it was. But I think it’s fantastic that there is a place so close to town. It’s noticeable when you come here that it´s both necessary and a warm and comfortable place, she says.

If you want to buy the new Christmas single “Klockorna i G.A.” by Helen Sjöholm and Gibrish it´s for sale at Slink In. It will also be available for purchase on the Internet.
