Ten minutes – with Helen Sjöholm

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Singer and musical artist Helen Sjöholm performs at Culturum on Sunday along with among others Jojje Wadenius. We got 10 minutes together with the star on the phone.

This will be a bit like a speed date...
– Yes, how exciting. I’ve never had one before so you will be my first.

Why are you so busy?
– Actually, I’m not particularly busy except for today. I’ve started to work properly after my maternity leave – in fact I started to work a bit already last spring. But now things are moving much more.

Tell us a bit about the Sunday concert.
– It’s interesting because I’ve been working in many different gangs and with different genres through the years. And also with Jojje Wadenius and Martin Östergren, who are two of the musicians on this tour. But these are musicians in the truest sense, and together we make musical journeys in all different directions. We have almost found it difficult to limit ourselves. Together we did 13 performances during the autumn and the spring tour contains as many stops.

What kind of musical journeys do you do?
– It is very mixed – everything from Billy Joel and Joni Mitchell to Depeche Mode. We have spent much time trying to find our own mark, the guiding star has been to make my voice find its home in the arrangements. The voice has been allowed to lead the feeling in the music.

What is a typical Helen song?
– A song with lyrics that tells you something and which can provide clear images. I like to create images and want people to get an experience when they listen to me. I also like that there is a common thread and I like to tie the songs together with good smalltalk.

Musical artist, actress and singer. What genre do you keep closest?
– If I had to choose a genre it will be the ballad. There you can fully use that narrative voice. I’ve always liked the ballad. When my friends went to Depeche Mode concerts, I was drawn to ballad festivals when I was young. That really triggers me.

Do you have an idol?
– Well, when I was hanging around on ballad festivals I also listened very much to Swedish music. A great inspiration even then, was actually Tommy Körberg. I’m a bit theatrical in my personality and his voice triggered me. Before I even was anyone, I imagined I would get to sing with him.

Talk about a vision…
– Yes, he has really been a great inspiration. But there are of course others. Jojje for example, whom I now have the privilege of eating, touring, playing and singing together with. He is a fantastic man and I think everyone should watch the documentary about him that is available on SVT Play right now.

With the song “Du är min man” you must have the Swedish world record on the Swedish charts?
– Well, for how long was it really on the Swedish charts?

According to Wikipedia, it was five years.
– It’s a seemingly simple and and well made tune about unconditional love that seem to have hit home. It was fun to do, but maybe not a hallmark for me.

What is your signature then?
– I will probably always be associated with “Kristina från Duvemåla”.

What makes you happy?
– My children and my husband. And to work with music.

What about angry?
– I don’t get angry that easily, though I have a bloody temper but that functions more as a motivating force. I can be terribly stubborn, and since I had children I can also be very angry with my children.

Item you cannot live without?
– The cell phone and my paper calendar. I like to erase and check the dates and plan things in it.

What are your plans in the future?
– I will take part in Jonas Gardell’s musical “Livet är en schlager” that premieres at Cirkus in September. I play Mona. It’s really exciting to work with Gardell.
