Easy to be charmed by Helen Sjöholm

Smålandsposten 2021-11-15



Helen Sjöholm – En ny tid (A New Time)

What: Helen Sjöholm En ny tid
Where: Växjö Concert Hall, Christina Nilsson Hall
When: 13/11 at 07.00 pm
Audience: Sold out
Best: All long flawless final tones

It happens that concerts make you blank. That you come home and wonder what happened. Was I just trapped in a room with hundreds of others and was fed with hits, turns, pressure, swing, endless tones, riffs, solos? Yes, but what happens next?

Already in the toilet queue after the concert, I hear someone plays a mobile movie of the last song and it strikes me that this evening has given energy, memory images full of energy, which hundreds of people will pick forward when they need to.

It´s extremely well-produced, dramaturgically conceived, planned interlude. Everything is a slap in the face (…) Otherwise there is nothing to complain about with Ola Gustavsson, guitar, Andreas Dahlbäck, percussion, Martin Höper, bass, Rickard Nilsson, keyboard and Erik Arvinder on violin and lots more (…) but it´s at least broken up by the concert’s second song Armarna som lyfter dig (The Arms That Lift You Up), which is also the best of the evening. A song about sisterhood, about being bumped and soaked and still standing united. As the third song, the audience is invited to one of Sjöholm’s biggest hits Du är min man (You Are My Man) and the audience bursts into cheers.

It’s easy to be charmed by Sjöholm, her facial expressions, her way of looking at the audience and making you think that it’s really just you she’s looking at. But it´s also the lyrics, all everyday life that is inscribed that make so many feel at home. And she´s a narrator of rank, every single word comes out and that without it restricting the musical skill. How can you sing so crystal clear?

The song from the set of Aniara stands out a bit, and it’s nice that something stands out (…) Otherwise, the audience really gets what they hoped for, Gabriella’s song, Du måste finnas (You Have To Be There) and several of the interpretations from the TV show Så mycket bättre (So much better). Well worth mentioning is also Mikael Wiehe’s translation of Bob Dylan’s To Make You Feel My Love. 

It really is an evening filled with love, standing ovations and memory saved on mobiles.

(The full review is not reproduced for copyright reasons)
