Barometern 121207
Title: Det kunde lika gärna varit jag (It could have just as easily been me)
Artist / Group: A glorious collection of singers
Rating: ****
A glorious collection of singers
It’s not a traditional Christmas album, if it is even possible to name it like that. But it breathes Christmas atmosphere and it´s probably no coincidence that it´s released in the Christmas season. A glorious collection of singers come together and interpret some really lovely songs to give their contribution to the Salvation Army’s assiduous work. So what could be more fitting than Cookies N Beans starting the CD with Staffan Hellstrand’s song for the vulnerable, Fanfar (Fanfare). There’s a lot of empathy. It sounds genuine, straight through the entire CD. Anna Stadling Louise Hoffsten, Sonja Aldén and perfectly sovereign Sofia Karlsson and Helen Sjöholm are doing their best and it´s just beautiful. An alternative Christmas.