Songs in Christmas time

Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling bring their sparkling Christmas success to Sweden’s churches

“A perfect balance between the Christmas and the wintry melancholy” and “A Christmas concert that wraps the heart in lamb’s wool”. Praise poured in for Helen and Anna Stadling’s Christmas tour Snow & Marshals in the winter of 2022 and 2023. Now we are happy to announce that the duo will return with a new tour this Christmas as well.

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Tour schedule

November 28  Helsingborg, Maria Church
November 29  Ystad, Ystad Theater (2 concerts)
November 30  Älmhult, Virestad Church
December 1 – Stockholm, Maxim Theater
December 4 – Malmö, S:t Johannes Church
December 6 – Järvsö, Järvsö Church
December 7 – Sundsvall, Selånger Church (2 concerts)
December 8 – Gävle, Heliga Trefaldighet Church
December 11 – Askersund, House of performing arts, Sjöängen
December 12 – Borås, Gustav Adolf Church
December 15 – Grängesberg, Cassel’s Concert House
December 16 – Eskilstuna, Kloster Church
December 18 – Karlstad, Karlstad Cathedral
December 19 – Göteborg, Oskar Fredrik Church

Helen and Anna were born a day apart at the same BB in Sundsvall and they got to know each other at school and in the choir they both sang in. Through music a strong friendship developed that followed them through all the years and the duo they created as teenagers has resurrected in different installments and after almost 40 years of friendship and musical meetings, Helen and Anna have collected the songs they loved and lived with every Christmas.

– We are so happy to go out into the December darkness again this year and also with two brand new songs to offer our audience. For the first time, we ourselves have written a song together and in collaboration with Peter Kvint who also produced. The fact that we also got a brand new translation of Abba’s old song The Way old Friends do by none other than Björn Ulvaeus himself feels of course fantastic.

With this tour, we want to return to places where we started our Christmas tradition as young people, in churches and cultural centers. Beautiful, atmospheric rooms that in themselves create magic. It will also be a more close and intimate way to perform our songs, but none the less powerful. Being able to celebrate Christmas together with our audience is a pure favor for us and we are so looking forward to meeting you all with new and old songs. We are happy to be part of all the voices of Christmas that have sung before us and that have taken us into or through the darkest of times right into Christmas.
Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling

On stage is also

Jesper Nordenström, keyboard
Johan Lindström, guitars
Dan Berglund, bass

Previous reviews

“Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling find a perfect balance between the Christmas and the wintry melancholy”.
5 out of 5 – Gefle Dagblad

“It’s said that they have known each other for 40 years. It’s heard that they have been singing together for just as long in girls’ choirs, Lucia and winter concerts. They know where the other person’s voice is coming from. Don’t miss the chance to experience them on stage”. 4 out of 5 – Dagens Industri

“Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling’s Christmas concert wraps the heart in lamb’s wool.” – Göteborgs-Posten


Source: 2024-09-03 Press release All Things Live


2024-09-20 Press release Universal Music


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