Billy Joel sounds good in Swedish

Uppsala Nya Tidning 101117


REVIEW: Helen Sjöholm wonderful voice and her superb sense of drama lifts her interpretation of Billy Joel’s songs to great heights, writes a surprised Bjorn Stenberg.


SINGER/SONGWRITER. It could have been pret…ty bad, Billy Joel is, of course, the best interpreter of his own songs, I thought. Oh yes, he still is. But Helen Sjöholm adds another dimension to his interpretations that give them, in these translations, a new life, especially as Thomas Andersson Wij made very good translations.

However, it is Helen Sjöholm wonderful voice and superb sense of drama that lifts the songs further. She chooses, for example, to take down an already very nice song River of dreams a step further and get to a heartfelt interpretation that can stand comparison with the original. More of that is on this surprisingly good album.
